Monday, May 31, 2010


FUCK GAY PEOPLE...They would love that right? Homosexuality is one of the most disgusting things on earth. We straight ordinary people just want to help you by understanding that there is no new life from gay couples. No children. No life people would disappear from earth !!Hey you dumb-ass retards try to find the fucking cure...HITLER WAS RIGHT in some things?Between 1933-45, an estimated 100,000 men were arrested as homosexuals by Nazis, of which some 50,000 were officially sentenced..We have been listening to such statements all along.

Before writing this let me tell you guys, those who are fanatical anti gay,I'm %100 straight and have never been touched by a man.Quite honestly you people need to get out more and maybe talk to more gay people. Your fear sounds like maybe your repressing some urges yourself. Everyone knows Conservatives, men of cloth, and politicians who are on an anti-gay moment are usually screwing some guy behind back doors. The fact is a gay man and lesbian woman are definitely born that way it’s not a sickness or dysfunction. It’s a matter of attraction it’s the same as telling a straight man he has to be gay because it’s the status qua.

You can hate put people in jail or kill them but it’s their nature, and not everyone is Hindu mind you the Gita is not everyone’s law. It was in India and perhaps that’s one reason we have religious freedom here. Sexual preference is a fundamental right and no one should inter fear with that right.Anyone who thinks killing or imprisonment is the solution should have marched with Hitler because that’s genocide any way you bake it it’s the end result of these mindsets. To correct all these unnatural views I have personally seen a female dog try to screw a male cat by humping it. Nature is so perverse it would make some of you pass out I would imagine. Try watching monkeys in trees for a day and preach to them about Gita verses and your morality.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


This is for anyone/everyone who has a supreme dislike of a single individual. I was sitting here and listening to several people bickering about this individual. This encouraged me to do something. I made the next best thing, a collection of words.

This is for anyone who knows a person who fits one or more of the following words:
abhorrence, abomination, acrimony, alienation, animosity, animus, antagonism, antithesis ,antipathy, aversion, bitterness, coldness, contempt, detestation, disapproval, disfavor, disgust, displeasure, distaste, enmity, envy, execration, grudge, hard feelings*, hate, horror, hostility, ignominy, ill will, invidiousness, loathing, malevolence, malice, malignance, militancy, odium, pique, prejudice, rancor, repugnance, repulsion, revenge, revulsion, scorn, spite, spleen, venom, detestation, enmity, hate, hatred, horror, loathing, malice, odium, repugnance, revulsion, acrimony, animosity, annoyance, antagonism, blood of a bitch, blow up*, cat fit*, chagrin, choler, conniption, dander*, disapprobation, displeasure, distemper, enmity, exasperation, fury, gall, hatred, huff, ill humor, ill temper, impatience, indignation, infuriation, irascibility, ire, irritability, irritation, mad, miff, outrage, passion, peevishness, pet, petulance, pique, rage, rankling, resentment, slow burn*, sore, stew, storm, tantrum, temper, tiff, umbrage, vexation, violence,clashing, competition, conflict, contention, contradistinction, contrariety, difference, disagreement, discord, dissension, enmity, friction, hatred, incongruity, poignancy, rancor, resistance, rivalry…..
OMG, I have added almost every word with every possible alphabet. Time 2 stop NOW….!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010


There may be days when you get up in the morning
and things aren't the way you had hoped they would be,
that's when you have to tell yourself
that things will get better.

There are times when people disappoint you and let you down,
but those are the times when you must remind yourself
to trust your own judgments and opinions, to keep your
life focused on believing in yourself
and all that you are capable of.

There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life,
and it is up to you to accept them.

Constantly keep yourself headed in the right direction for you.
It may not be easy at times,
but in those times of struggle you will find a stronger sense of who you are,
so when the days come that are filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities,
remember to believe in yourself and all you want your life to be,
because the challenges and changes will only help you to
find the goals that you know are meant to come true for you.